every single time... i blog there shall b a reason .....sumtimes its justthe mind is not rite..sumtimes its all about feeling ..sometimes its nothing at all.... i believe im living in a unfair world.... u want ..i can give a whole lot of examples... look at education itself..many people are working hard n being turned scholarships...while some getting it like nobody buisness... people having curly hair are straightening it ..while those having straight hair are curling it.. people who r married are still cheating on their patners...n definitely promises made here n there never seem been fullfilled.... rather saying it unfair life..i guess i shall qoute it as unsatisfied matter of few hours time i will b off to a new city a new place ..a new environment... im really not prepared for this but have to face just scared of slcks which can cause a big burden in my life... da wrong way..which i dont want to regret forever in my life..all i can hope on is only on GODS WILL... i can take anymore disappoinmant... da last collection of bacardi is leaving Jay Bee... its goin to b weird living everyday here...its time to let the pics to make the headlines..dated as far as december till march...