don miller n prashant..

rishi n andrea

been A quite a while since i blogged...pretty lazy i guess...but da urge is back....firstly will like to quote my life in manipal... adapting well... but...neh..... slacking to da max...especiallyin studies...notin da rite mood...notin can compare my days in ec n in jl.tun hs lee....i was talkin tocynide yesterday...he made me realise... wats wrong...i need to rediscover myself...can b giving up or blaming on sumtin else formy failure...got to work out da muscles which have been crumpled..n less strained for da past few yrs...got tocomeback to my glory days.... i need to buckleup...i will ...tats a promise...i ain't goin to give up.... i will prevail..... im back....