Time:11.55 p.m.
Music: dreeeetttttt..dreeeeetttttt(fon vibratin)
Temperature: <27>
My fon vibrated it n stopped..owww it was You Jun.. givin miss call.. after a while it vibrated again.I answered. He said hello n started talkin unimportant stuff..wait i thought ur suppose to be in bed rite(taught 2 my self) or else mummy will scold u..he talked n talked n suddeenly when da clock ticked 12 a.m. he did da honour... he wished me hapi bday..yup.. this guy was da first one to wish me on my bday...thanks dude.. while talkin to him... i got a cross was JPJ ..could not answer his call. After You Jun put down was Dinash's(abang liwat) called. He wished me 2.. After him it was.. Pravind a.ka.cynide..folllowedby Gopi.. n sum unknown guy who wished me on behalf of Vimal... followed by navin raman.. he too wished text msg from You Jun n Priya.. JPJ was still callin.. but im still on da line.. sori man.. then followed by sms from Gurpreet a.k.a burung. I sat down.. kept tinking.. wow... first time in my life so many calls n wishes with just half an hour n then went to sleep..
Day: Wednesday
Time:3.25 am
Music: What bout now, chris daughtry(fon msg alert)+++++ dad's snoring
Temperature: 27-29 celcius++++windy(air from fan)
woke up suddenly wen my handphone rang... received two text messages from 2 girls...1 form Veno n the other .....erhemmmmm.. both wished me hapi bday.. wonder what this two gurls doin till this wee hour of the morning.. then thanked them instantly.. got reply from erhemmmmmm... so was texting for bout an hour.. then off to sleep again at 4.30.
Time: 5.45 a.m
Music: Tokyo Drift theme music.(phone ringing)++++ phone vibrating(sumone calling)
Temperatue:27-29 celcius++windy(air from fan)
Yeah alarm rang as usual...i snooze it.. but suddenly woke up as my fon was vibratin like hell..oww it was Veno... she called me n wished... she wont b comin to skool 2day as she is goin 4 MSSD athletics.... cleaned up n got ready.. reached skool early. headed straight away to bilik pengawas..waited for ameirul.Satish came n wished me..Jayaseelan 2.. so went ronda together wif Ameirul... while doin ronda... at Zon Utara.. all da prefects wished me in serantak form.. wow... relly didnt expect this from them n then Ameirul wished me.Had to do briefing today even though it was a wednesday as we had an internal problem which needs a resolution soon. Entered class a bit late.. Jpj n Calvin wished me this time.. followed by Priya.. Jpj was insisting me to open da cupboard but i didnt want 2..dun know why lah... after MUET..THiva gave me ferrero roche(hope da spelling is correct)..yeah this was my first present of da day... oww it seems da reason Jpj insisted me in opening da cupboard is bcause Thiva has put da chocs in so wen i open its a suprise..sori gurl for spoiling da plan.hehehe. After that i n JPj walked to da toilet passing resh's class.. while passing many wished me.Resh Wished me...n resh asked me to come in as he wanted to sing bday song but i declined.. then in my class Chen hugged me n wished me 2..then followed by my whole class ...where all of the sang me da birthday song.. During recess saw alaga.. walked wif him..down da stairs n i was advicing him bout wearing slippers to skool(his legs injured during TLSS futsal) saw this gurl wif her fren...for da first time in this year i dared myself n said HAI to her..n she wished finally da drought has been broken...i talked wif her...Yoga wished me..n one unknown F3 fellow wished me 2. Not to forget Puven who wished me aswell..PN aishah n Cik Noraini 2 wished after recess had briefing again.. bout da same matter that happend in da morning..still no solution.. suddenly You jUn stood n asked all prefects u sing me Bday song..yup they sang it again..thanked them n headed to class.. got P.A marks ..was disappointed.. sad... n JPJ told me not b sad as it was my big day.. Had MPM for chem... then maths...Ina n Lavanesh N Hasib wished me.. n U.A oso wished me n offered a hug..but i declined...
Time: After skool...2 p.m.
Music: Bday song+++ whacking people sound+++++in pain sound...
Temperature:27-31 celcius(class damn hot)
had TLSS meeting.It was post mortem 4 This year futsal..expressed my views for this programme.. After meetimg was over all present sang me B'day song n 3-4 hell of a whacking..I was asked to sit later by my frens..while they prepared sumting for me at resh's class..out of no where navin came..i was guarded by Dinesh n others..while waiting Sharemellah gave me a cake (stop no scandal ah) from Karthik.... after waiting quite a while i was ushered to Resh's class.. to my suprise... it was a birthday bash//party just for me.. i was given a birthday card which i must say da biggest i ever got in my 19 years of life in this world.. it was signed by various people...mostly Kumaresh's classmates n off course my buddies... even MaYee(ant)'s signature was frens took da trouble to force him sign....i was totaly speechless wen i saw da card.. look through it... it seems sum people who i dun know at all wished me.. another b'day song was sang..with another painless 3-4 comin ....great.. later on i was asked to give a speech by all..n indeed i gave.... n i was given presents n all.. after tat da main even..makan like hell..tossed da drink relly didnt expect all this..what a suprise... relly was happy. After cleaned up... v left for C.S. On da wasy to C.S i singgah kat public bak to bank-in money for grandma better

Thai Song kot?????
has never seen anyone drinkin b4 in his life
look alike.???? mayb ...... me n Dorai
drink all u can You Jun.. dun stop....!!!
Its a brother love for a sister......

says navin ... while i shake professionally from da
7 times hand hand experience
Time: 7.00-8.30p.m
all da gifts i got......
pose wif da card i got
Time: 4.05 p.m
Music: Mixure of various sound..... from vehichles(outside cs) mixture of various music form
various songs played
Temperature: 24-27 celcius(c.s. is air conditioned)
Wen reach cs.... Tva n You jun pulled off as they were late for tuition. Wen masuk cs oni...resh ran amok(not really) he rushed to da toilet for whatelse if not what he loves to spend on time with.. went to MCD n waited for Dorai, Gurpreet n Dinesh n ALaga. While waitin met Anas... he shaked hands wif me.. WTF..once upon a time we fought ...where he brought his geng of more than 30+++ fellows to whack me one person..alone..past is past.. later ,all them reached n resh was very fresh.. than ever.. so it was my turn to apelagi... COOL BLOG lah... went to third floor .. singgah kat while the rest were waiting for da drink... Dinash pulled me aside n started to talk bout my future...i told him bout Peta Dunia... yeah... he advice me.. what he is tryin to tell is exactly true.. thanks macha. After gettin drinks.. while walking we saw a Vivo pizza woker.. he was distributing pamphlets.. so we bullied him by circling him.. he was a foreigner... he look very blur..sory man... v r just playin. so after that v headed to popular.. I n resh bought a new calculator(FX 570).. while tat Dinesh bought a gift for sumone special. Later on we lepak like hell.. at da groung floor... centre stage... my frens sang me another bdays song n i shouted "ITS MY BDAY" alot of people were lookin.. so that was last n off v went back home..
In da bus..i met Vimal.. a former EC student.. talked wif him b4 Mahesh(not sure of da name) came in.. they told me Vinod's dad passed away in an accident..sori 4 him..reached home around 6.30 pm.. while walkin it rained ..luckily i had an umbrella.. to protect my humungous card... wen reach home i looked at my fon n there was msg from Hazel n Yugan... there was a miss call from karthik 2..called him n thanked the rest.
waited 5 minutes for this
Time: 7.00-8.30p.m
Music: none..oni da tocuhing feeling
While waiting for family to get reaady to go ut for dinner i manged to camwhore abit... so 3.2.1 take a look at theseeeeeeeee
Malaysia first ever gold
Relly wanted this n u gave it to me...thank u sis
King R..... thanks alaga... baps.....
how i wished i had cake everyday..... cakes from karthik n Sis
how to didvide equally for 4 person ah.???? Thanks Tva
Time: 8.30 p.m.
eat sis.... eat... tats what u do best....
Secret Recipe Black Pepper Chicke
cakes ...delicous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time: 8.30 p.m.
Music: Mixture of various songs
Had dinner in Secret recipe.... first time eatin there... even though used to have cakes last time.. ate 3 cakes...i must say it tastes mega marvelous... i had Black papper chicken ... n iced chocholate.. after ordered food..i called granny n told her its my bday..she was so sad that she forgot my bday..nvmind grandma...ur blessing will always be there for me... so she wished me..then followed by my two uncles...
bills...... so no worries
Mazda Rx-8
Nissan Fair Lady
Side view of Fair Lady
After dinner....
after filling my stomach n my family walked a little... there was a car exhibiton so apelagi... a car junky 2.... managed to get glimpse of BMW 6series, Mazda RX 8 n Nissan Fair Lay..after lookin through i called resh n talked wif him...cause today if i make any calls to any maxis no.... its free of charge ..its a bday special from maxis. even though the cars look cool n nice ... they are all recorns..
to 6 series
Bavarian Motor Works
At home
Reaced home in 15 minutes. Called resh n chatted wif him.. the called dinesh then grandma
and talked wif them.. called jpj but he dit not answer my call.. it seems im relly using da reward.. after that called resh again... n b4 it ticked 12 we end our conversation... while i was in bed Kavij called me.,...its way past my bday as its already 5 th march tat time, but i dun care cause ..he remembered . thats more than enough lah.. he said he is comin to jB end of that week.. thats even cool.. after finish talkin ..i set da alarm n dozed off...
At home
Reaced home in 15 minutes. Called resh n chatted wif him.. the called dinesh then grandma
and talked wif them.. called jpj but he dit not answer my call.. it seems im relly using da reward.. after that called resh again... n b4 it ticked 12 we end our conversation... while i was in bed Kavij called me.,...its way past my bday as its already 5 th march tat time, but i dun care cause ..he remembered . thats more than enough lah.. he said he is comin to jB end of that week.. thats even cool.. after finish talkin ..i set da alarm n dozed off...
had really a great day of my life.. i have celebrated my previous bdays in my house, in big restaurants, granny's house ,parkson n even in a bus(2006) but what i can say is...this is one of da best birthdays of my life... last birthday in skool... yeah...sobzz but just love it...i will like to thank all my frens for makin this day so special.... relly didnt expext anything from them,,, they have poured out all they could to make my day so special..i will never forget this.. never ever ..i love all of u so so much.... im 19 now... finaly year got da word teen in my age.. n final year wif no 1 in my age before hittin digit 2.. wow ..its so fast..i still can recall at times wen my mum will say that she just feels like givin have given birth to me yesterday n so fast today im already 19.. time flies..many things have taken place this 19 years of my life...what can i say is...definitely it relly has decorated my life... 19 years ago i was born in da hospital with an umbilical cord crying out of the womb .... n after 19 years im sittin right infront of my HP desktop blogging da event of my bday...wonder where i will b in 20 or 30 years time... settled inlife with da person im in love with with a da job im dreaming for?... who knows whats whats.. whatever it takes im goin to give all i have got to get all i resh always says... the end products will definitely b somnetin that makes me happy...particularly... i have 3 wishes for this bday.. thats my bday wishes.... so day of appreaciation of birth... i dun think so all this will ever have happened if i have never entered F6..mayb even this blog will have not existed. So finally i will like to thank God....n thak all my frens... for this wonderful day... last but not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAJKUMAR
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