Yeap n yes...its over...my skool life is over.... 7 fruitful n superb years in ec has just come to n end. Finished my form 6... still wanna recall the time wen i entered E.C in 2003 from St Joseph primary... was a very innocent boy that time.... n now its all different... over those seven years i grew alot..not only in height but maturity too... learn so many things especially bad ones n of course some valuable lesson in life that is goin to b pillar in facing tha world to come.recalling back.....in form one ...i was in 1 Akas..i really dun like that class...followed by form 2Etika... i loved this class da most..this is were i was really made... da spirit ignited... followed by form 3 in bestari n form 4 in dinamik then after streaming to cendekia which i maintained till F5 n lower six back to bestari n off to cendekia in upper six...most 'lepaked' skool life definitely must be lower six n most challenging definitely upper six......it has been almost like two weeks after skool n indeed oni now im blogging??? yeah because i really didnt have da mood n my internet connection sucks... so let me now blog in detail what has been happening all this while ..here we go....
i guess i really had great tuiton teachers... but didnt really use it well... played da fool all ard really at the end..gave all i got..i did put in effort... recalling once i got drunk b4 goin tuiton... nice nice..nice... SMC was great.. i paid less attention at da start... i had great teachers...
and lessons of life...
Before STPM
so dark n uneasy.......... filled wif MUET jinx in additional
slip peperiksaan..registerd 4 subjects...
one day before STPM..(actually 2 days)... balls was shrinking that time...
oni reason i put this pic is not promote it.. or i like it but just because both da director n me have the same name....
last time posing as a skool student wif the uni.. a so called PRE U student
this is how it looks sorrounding Ec....Pembangunan ISKANDAR wonder how its goin to look like in a few years
no entry
after that.. became the keeper of the canteen.. controlling the canteen n never to forget asking students to go back to class eg"cepat makan ..lepas tu balik kelas" sum ding dong just ignores n takes their sweet time..usually have briefing here too..scolding the prefects which 99 % of the times turn into deaf ears.LONG live prefects...
will never forget the times created havoc in this canteen.. which shall remain secret to the F4 members..
noting mcuh bout this place.. used to spent alot of time here buying milo wafers n following Ujun..haiz
takin pic wif E.C's most loved man...Pak Mat..wont forget his vocals
Dewan Sri budiman.. started to learn skool song here n sang it for da last time here too... now its wif air con..bravo thats an improvement
presenting the skool for da last time....
my form 1 class.. 1 AKAS..lower six class was also in this block
skool office... had to go here many times.. this year..wif all that work..haiz
will never forget the times created havoc in this canteen.. which shall remain secret to the F4 members..

i must say being a prefect in my final years in E.C was a great experince..learnt to b a leader n b brave..it too contributed to my pre-hypertension..n my downfall in studies.the experince was great but the people in it was never great..exceptional to a few.. sum just came to get post..n in the end when they failed to do...true colours can b seen..sum for name sake.. n sum wif all excuses..n not to forget sum who love to break skool rules as a prefect....all i can say... REST IN PEACE...my deepest condolance to a prefect ......his name is Danial... a trianee prefect who smokes n sucessfully becomes a prefect..but during my stpm he passed away in a motorbike accident..may lord have mercy on his soul
oficially sold my blazer..may it serve da board again............
can b said my second house..used to study here during trials n mid year as the exams start late... i am sure to miss this place
kapten's room ..rarely used......
my form 2 class for da second term ...2 Etika was shifted from the top floor to down ..nearby da bilik disiplin.. as my class was da noisiest
form 5 class.....5 cendekia
form 2 class for the first term.2 etika

form 3 class.....3 Bestatri
chemistry lab... boring n really never did any experiments seriously.........
bilik sukan... most of the time the doors will b locked n no teacher in it... nw it has tv..great

kavij, me n guppie..the burung corner was did specially for him.... upper six class
standing on my table........looks like the fan is goin to hit my head...

will i b able to get this same marks in STPM?????
its now called LUBANG... very historic.... many things happend here..play bottle caps...practice dance, shuffle, break dance n etc now this place has become K.H lab
tandas cluster....... open toilet... very rare... most of the doors damaged all da time even repaired.... n pressure of water from the pipe is much lower than my urine....
peeing for the last time.........love doing this before during n after exam.....
a new vison n mission ..which has no need to b changed from time to time... good job.. E.C must lead.....
me n kavij........ kavij kumar(25-35-25).
form 4 class.... n kavij as handsome as always... still single
F4 ...now F2
3 young mens..a pyscologist,an engineer n a biologist.... to b
emoing... far in taughts.... its over baby...skool life rocks
alamak... tis fellows ah..im not begging for moneylah! but my face looks like one
Mr Kavij kumar..currently pursuing his chemical engineering degree in UMP..three time straight Dean's list...the uni became so popular after his footstep touched the uni's ground... he swims n jogs till late evening..n even paints his house....loses some pounds n at da same time gains it back 2.... a very nice guy
the walkway.... full of inspirational words... during exam if u really wan to use some nice words,..u can walk here to get some these words

pancuran kasih.....the pic proves it all...
yeap...its no more premier..our skool is now kluster
da last walk as a student..... sure goin to miss that
another pic..feel like wanna cry
not him......he had it long ago
aloha towers n teachers car park...
skool bus...stayed in it once during penag trip
i dunno why Gurpreet loves to take this kind of pics..u pervert
maucks again... motor kacaulah
nice pose boys.............


form 3 class.....3 Bestatri

kavij, me n guppie..the burung corner was did specially for him.... upper six class

will i b able to get this same marks in STPM?????



pancuran kasih.....the pic proves it all...

i m goin to do a summary bout a few topics...of my skool life in f6:
im in tamil society... i really liked this club compared to what was my perception wen i was in form 1.... i managed to hold senthamil puthir..wif no experience..it was not a real sucess... but...i enjoyed the experince..i must say that not all club members were up to standard,..being the president..i had to do most of the work...most members have to b pushed or else... noting will b done..a disgrace... was very down sumtimes because of club issues... neglected studies too.... basically the club was ok..i had one of the best n most dissappointing AGM in the history of Tamil society.....all da best....im proud being born as an INDIAN n thats the oni ting i never regretted in my life......
was blinded starting from end of last year till tis right before trials........ i must say this contributes to major of of my downfall... having beard, drinking, smoking n loosing focus... n etc..i really regret ..why in the first place i saw her...? its very painful.. sumtimes... sitting in da classroom n noting enters the mind except U...i was never rejected.. nor did it fail... it just didnt prevail..tinking of all the times i spent.. its all just a waste... was very very very down at all times... thansk to my frens... who r so supporting..giving me ideas n comforting me..(u will know if ur reading this)..i was back...its really frustrating to tink u wanted her but she was not meant for u.. it was going smooth but suddenly it came to an abrupt end.. unbelivable...if i had known it earlier..haiz....its better late than never......i regret this.....it really sucks...painful lesson but a valauble one... never trust anyone entirely ....peopel say love is blind..nehh..it actually is not.... n never put it on hold....really can predict wat happens today or 2moro....n never believe sweet talk.. race is definitelty a factor most of the times..i ended this chapter wif a 18 pages long text message...
frens r so sweet...been there always wen im in difficulty n joy...many new frens...who i could cry on their shoulder..but............got to blurt out the truth here.....this subject has been da most disappointing...got so many frens..but the question is ...out of the so many....how many can i say is true fren... have seen frens from normal guy becomin chick freak ,..not to forget some who just dun understand me... recalling an event where everyone before STPM saying that we were goin to have gahtering,futsal, n clubbing n etc...n at last none of those fucked up things can b done...but wait....very disappointed....i remember we een had some useless plannign for the holiday in CS..pure bullshit... its not new to me... its normal... thats life... but one thing for sure....i love all of u...as long as ur hapi im hapi for u..........
being in da same skool 4 seven years is definitely boring... i really love my skool but not the people in my skool...especially those in form six.. form 6 has lost its identity in E.C ..the ec culture is just lost..people r so weird..n so different... their mentality is totaly different...majority of these form six people r from perling and seta... n majority of them do not love the skool.but do act like one....full of selfishness ,racist n rude..n sum just will come to u wen they need sumting....i dunno wat to say............ but even though they bring name n pride to the skool , they r noting to me... they just suck... v do still have some E.C originals .... who r just minority..wait..wen i say ec originals its not those who come in f3...or those who ran away after f4..its those who were here ever since f1. studying wif a bunch of weirdos is definitely akward..all wif their own ego n all...... but not all of them.... some r really nice... i tink the art stream fared much better than the scince stream....that the truth, my class was ok..but its difinitely less energetic...i taught dinamik had one of the worst class parties.. ever i had seen... but look at my class ...no class party at all..wat a shame..... shall i say its my worst class in my whole carrier in ec.i will always remember wat had happen in form 6 but definitely not the people in f6..final piece of advice ....read between the lines...97% of them suck
all the teachers have been so great o me...advicing me n igniting back the fire on me...everone of them especially Pn daisy, cik shamala, pn laila, pn oo,pn norafesha..n all ..n some for really demotivating..thanks
many things have taken place for the past seven years... sweet or bitter..it definitely has shaped to who i am today..i enjoyed every moment of it... every painful lesson is a stepping stone to b some one better in life...skool life really rocks.. but till today i seriously dun know why i did f6 but i know its for GOOD..as it was never a choice in my life... if that day i had got a A for chemistry..my whole life will have changed... but i thank God for sending me to form 6..i learn really alot..n have no regrets on it forever... Sayo Nara MAKTAB SULTAN ABU BAKAR(ENGLISH COLLEGE) Sekolah kluster kecemerlangan

(p.s. started to blog at 7.30 pm 23/12/2009 n finished at 24/12/2009)
hey, thanks for all the pictures and review tho. brought back all the memories. was in ec, till form 6 (2005), a prefect, a scholar, a sportman, a debater, a gentleman (i gues so)- bottom line, ec teaches me lot and im proud being one of the student.
so you must be the same batch with zaid adha, harish, le roy, etc..
hey bro! i also wanted to thanks you for your review! How I love this post so much!!
looking at the picture you post up there, I felt so different. better than my days.
I was the original student from form 1 until form 6.. yup, 7 years of history made by me there. upper 6 (2006).. I know what u feels when u said the originality of the student and the culture gone when in the form 6. yup... is killing the school precious culture..
owh, I miss my school! University is not that fun anymore compare to EC!! huh..
anyway, i wanted to go n visit it later. hope so..
Thnx again!
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