Wednesday, February 3, 2010

winds of february

life is goin normal like always....but wait ..its actually not...... got to bear in mind... one month gone.... next month i will b getting my results...that definitely send chills down my spine n i can feel that my balls r shrinking... workin at parkson is not da same as those days..but da friendliness of da people remain there.... love talkin ....n gossiping...da work is also pretty same just that its boring...operating da same counter again after four months exposure once a upon a time... love talking to customers n giving them info at da same time scanning da hot chicks...hehe...working hours is being cut nowdays..meaning my pay will also face da cut... comin to tink at my age just earnihg a few hundreds bucks n comparing them to other young adults of my age earning million bucks.... like taylor swift or danny never goin to forget in my life goin to work twice on da day i was supposed to b on holiday... .....blur...n here i go ,....blurr king

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