sayo nara.............
Thursday, April 30, 2009
life....goes on...
Man U just defeated arsenal in champions league semi-final first leg at old blogging right away after da match... dun feel like sleeping.... btw..i slept oni for 1 1/2 hour..dun know why cant sleep da whole night...insomnia...? definitely was supposed to be a super great day in my life...was happy bout this da whole day...excited..waited anxiously... but in the end..yeah just like any other days of my life..da whole thing turn around... luck dun seem to b on changed... da whole planned is cancelled... great... nvmind..i belive all this is for good...sobz...lately not been studying... im just continuing to screw my life.... great
sayo nara.............
sayo nara.............
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A boring day out in SSI
its was another day outing...but this time its an educational outing...all form six students were forced to go for some career talk in SSi..(many didnt turn up, some came then left after eating)... it was dead boring there... i ate to pass my time... food was good...compared to EC..ssi was no way better...i always wanted to go to that skool once upon a time..but thank God i did not..or else..i will b sum lame nerd guy today killing myself into book oni...hahah.. so lets make the picture do the talking...
resting ....wif gurpreet with his trademark lame poses
what a threesome scandal
a hero, a nigger and a bird
this is what i call crowd of F6.....

Orientasi and minggu suai kenal pengawas

got to say this was a pretty lame orientasi...not much of effects to da juniors.. compared to what v seniors had to go through ..phewww.... great work by da UPs(sarcasticaly)... kheesha came 2 skool on this particular
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
redox reaction.....
lately nothin much.... life is just like always..MUEt is freakin out... tat day Pn rozana told me that she expects Jpj n Ching to get band 6...bravo friends... yesterday i got this motivation cert from some one...important... thanks lady..thats a real next post will b on da orientation for prefects n my trip to SSi ..yeah.. my phone line was inactive...that was weird...after a while then only i realised..that dad changed my line to postpaid...without my knowledge.. great suprise.. seems i going to miss those days where i had to get to the shop to top up ..n the most important of all..use my pocket money to top up...those days are dad will pay my on....(actually most of the time to top up.. he pays..)

Friday, April 17, 2009
time flies.... thats all i got to say...its already four months over pravind's birthday.. pretty fast...felt like MUET registration was yesterday... but the test is coming next week.. hoping for the i had pretty a bad day.... morning was like normal with the normal lame ronda's and coming across. the same people...who i dont wish to see in da morning as this will only stimulate me to think about this particular person.. for da whole day...imagining things that will never ever happen.. lolness... alright next...headed to class.. morning nowdays.. is definitely so dead boring with the absence of JPJ...there was some farewell. for Aik Hoe(mayee)..he is leaving too... lame things happening here and there...secret recipe cakes to lead any events with cash flouring here and there.. more lameness.. had my sketch practice for the moral lesson...had no right mood to act..first time.. im like this... followed by bio... where PN.Aza gave back the test papers...i seriously wanted to FAIL Biology..... but unfortunately i passed..thanks to theses people who taught me Bio da morning just right before the papers started...thanks to Shoo Hue Li, Dorai Raaj,and PriyaTharshini..thanks..if its not for you all i will not have understand nerves and coordination... had chemistry after that..Mr.chew lost his voice..great teacher.. then recess.. went ronda again and again.. got a glimpse of a few SIGS students who were here for some trip.. had briefing before heading for usual no techer... Johnny english was here loitering..what else... he got Band 5 there is no need to attend Muet classes..classmates were doing the same old thing..some studying.. some talking..some.. ahhhh...boring class..i have to say..went to 6AD..kishel and naga was there..n Ee Ling too. n wan Qing..talked with them...headed back to my class.. then MUEt teacher came..talked to her to clear some doubts..then headed to library..where on my way karthik called me.. to enter into his class..they made me seat on a cool n comfortable lazy chair... sat there.. tlaked wif karthik, zaid, and Hariz....we were talkin when suddenly the topic LOVE came in... i was given valuable advice and ways to cope up with my love life .... coolness... these people are really good... karthik and Hariz(love doctors) while Zaid(market).. great this is the kind of people im looking for in EC..ever since Form 6 started...all this while what i was in was just in a community of selfish, self centered, proud, lame, boasting, snobbish, racist, asshole, overacting,empty promises, hurting, unsupportive people n etc type of people..actually there a re some upstairs on the same floor as me...who are my life...not all...only some ..finally i found out...where da true enjoyment, care,laughter of life is.....despite some poeple exceptional to this... now its not going to be boring anymore...i found out another world hidden in english college that is....6 Atas Gigih..before leaving the class.. i promised to them that i will talk to Peta today... before i left they said to me..that they are there to help me..anytime anywhere and im always invited to their class.. thats great ...i rushed upstairs.. positioned my self..built the courage.. and was waiting for peta...she came out...yeah not alone ..with the bunch of same people around heart punded faster..she was going and again i FAILED...i had no guts to talk to her...none at all. another disappointment...sobz..haiz..then after that i had a terrible board meeting...very terrible one....mood was spoilt.. headed home wif resh and alaga,. Reached cs..went to cool blog got a drink.. with resh,,walked till v met rajiv and vishu..chatted a while before anand came..headed to secret was time full of laughter there. anand was supposed to treat the end..i had to fork out money 2...even da sweet waitress did not come back to give our change after seeing us having problems to settle the bill... asked Anand to send me back home..yeah again i had to fork out money for parking... great..nevermind i dont mind..its just for friends... money comes n money goes... dont care but what i have to bear in mind is i have to b wise in handling i have spent rm20 in just a not rich.. and not wise in spending too..reached home at 6pm..thanks 2 anand. that marks and end to another day of mixed feelings in english days are numbered.. many things not settle...changes cant be seen in lackadasical life is going on.. day by day thinking of Peta.. no reaction.. the question which arises, i LOVE peta but does PETA love me..??? the answer is NO...thats rite..NO...NOT AT ALL.. i just dont want to be a flop in both studies and that alma seems that what is goin on reaction.. but too much thinking and imagination..phew... weant my anger on some chairs and door just is a day where i was branded handsome and stunning by three different people.. and of course not to forget there is some people who brand me as a nigger 2.. ..even niggers have heart... im proud to be one LOOK ALIKE..appreciation is not shown here in this country where white and fair seems the perfect of all... nevermind... i think i will get much more appreciation..elsewhere.... the question once again...dont v have the feelings and cant we love anyone...especially with oppostie complex? great..its definitely difficult to find da sole angle in this world full of 99% of bitches..... yeah think about posts nowdays are more related to my love life...and im goin to put a full stop to it..
Saturday, April 11, 2009
major screw up....its nasi campur...
first of damn blooody hell...relieved tat this crappy formatif 2 has just ended... cuntetlah... feel tat im stress free now... what i got to say ..nothing much... i screwed again in this test.... yup its too early to tell as i have not received da results... but its real... for da first time in ec history of my life.... i did not study for this test... worst of all... i did not know there was a change in timetable 4 da test...i oni knew bout chem n maths a day earlier...n for P.A 1 ..lagi worst..i oni knew there was this test on tat particular morning wen the test was suppose to be taking place... no wonder i felt weird cing f6 students... readin pa 1 book wen it was suppose to b da next day... it seems i was wrong ... great ...that made my mood from bad to worst...wack infancy..... n yeah yesterday... i was trying to read bio... it dont seem to enter my head.. why???? dun know... feeling lazy.. tinkin bout her...n lolness.... wtf.... im crazy man....i screwed up my lower six n now... playin da fool around this year... its like just less than 7 ,months... oh GOD... i know no one can help me... unless myself... its just my attitude... that keeps me goin like this ... oh u look at me n buat bodoh... im goin to do da same..2 u baby... people do say to me....tat i must make da approach.. as im da guy... yeah i did make da move...many times ...tiny... steps..i was goin smooth.. i burned everthing ...sacrificied many things 4 u... even studies... but i dun mind cause its 4 u.... i admire u.. i like u ...n want da oppurtinity to love u aswell... but i doubt will u give it to me... im worried u might b snatched away...but i know u belong to me... haiz...i oni can write all this in my brother blog..not anywhere else... while im pouring out here this time... u might b in bed having a short nap... morever the weather now so good for da comfort n soothe of ur pleasure...n i know u love to sleeeeeeppppp(tidur) in one corner of this world i spent relentlessly hours thinking bout u everyday...while u.. ahahahahahahahahahahah i wonder whether u will even tink of me for a second.... haiz... i dun know... gurl... wen all this goin to b resolved... day by day intensity becoming stronger... but faternity becoming weaker... making matter worst im so coward... talking to u in a virtual world....cant even.. talk to u face to face...n wen im face to face wif...u ...u dont c me... what a great chemsitry...wen i walk past u...i bent my head n look towards da earth... its not that i respect u..its just that im damn bloody shy..... nowdays i dun even smile or utter a single word to u...u might tinkin that im too proud...but nehhh... i dun know what u tink bout me till now... whats true that i know u dun have a single dot of feelings 4 me....... thats true... i can c it n feel it...few more months..n skools over..n its almost certain ..its all over... that might b da last time i c ya... da very last time..... great...i dun know where its goin to end.... im not makin da move..keep tinking at da same time neglecting my studies.....gosh i dun want to cry one day... as mum always provokes me... gor choosing f6...i promise this time...that what i want to achieve...i will definitely achieve...tats for real... i know what i want to achieve...this time its do first n thent talk... its relly goin to happen ...tats a promise.......... studies comes first.... n.... deep inmy heart ...ur there......broken n broken for many still strong...i giving all i got in my life to get u...i never approached anyone llike this especially a gurl like this in my life.........what da hell lah...u know this are ...u might say nothing beats da power of factors factors at all..but whats true.... its does play a role... ..u know i know n GOD knows... i do suck... in appearance n everthing ...but...its all fuck.... damn long must i wait...4 eva...sure no problem... anything for u.... i hope one day u will understand all this...u know why im stiill not putting da correct steps into it..cause i want u to suceed in studies too... im being blogging so many times bout u... till some of my frens come an ask me ...who r u... my answer to them ...wait ...wait...time is not rite... fucklah wen time will b rite...its never rite for me... im dreaming of perfect score 4 stpm ...with this lackadesical attitude n spirit... not even passes can b expected...i write..... talk n talk but im not doin a single fucking thing...aspiring to b da top student in my laughing to myself...i say to myself ...fuck off...... back to u...all da time i dun want to c ya... u appear to me..... if ur not meant ...for me...i can t help it... but i do have da strong feeling that ur meant for me...... feeling n feeeling being poured.. haiz...... am i that bad i ask u.... i do all i could........ mayb u know everthign bout me... cause people do talk ... u just waitin for da time.,..for me to open n all u want to do is REJECT... am i prepared 4 it?? what i tell people prepared...but seriously not at alllll...... FUCK FUCK FUCK... i dun know how im goin to face all this... serious confused in this world... tinking why am i born into this world....there wen my self create... quote... comes by..... LIFE SUCKS LOVE FUCKS
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
a better day in EC... i guess so
yup its another day in ec again...a better one than yesterday.. it seems like im so free nowdays as i have been blogging like almost everyday... even resh asked me... why im blogging without any specific event...what i would like to tell u my bro... im not a lazy blooger like u r... blog on ocassions oni...pure disgrace..heheh...kiddin man... 2day nothin much at skool... it seems exam fever has taken its toll... many seen readin n bleeding n some even dating at corridors... what a great achievement... good 4 those who r studying... outcome can b seen soon in da comin test...mid year 2 just round da corner... so what summore studylah... haaha. unlike me ...great in planning...but worst in doing...lets c what i can do ... had a pretty bored day at skool at da expenses that jpj was absent.. n for da first time this year Mr Chew failed to enter da class.. this is something unusual..... i was a bout to fly(understood by ec students... i mean da orginals) positioned my bag outside da class...while bio was goin on.. i was about to fly but it was all disrupted by you jun... he took my beg n went away ..damn u... later went to his class took my beg,.. he kena sound from his classmates ..padan muka.. after that apelagi flylah...first time this year but gurantee more to come... heard n advertistment on that dun skip skool cause in skool many things r free.. like socialising, learning n building v start to work ..even socialising seem to take money where v have to pour petrol for our car to c frens... a nice one by that has to b taught ... n analysed... so best ever pice of advice ..... lets enjoy every single second of moments in skool...cause its oni once,...n for all...n for im doin goin to enjoy to da max...n get what im here 4....cheerio.....
live life 2 da max wif flyfm
live life 2 da max wif flyfm
Monday, April 6, 2009
its just another lame day.... in EC
dun worry.. i will give all i have got teacher.....after so many years of draught of a 4 flat form bio class in EC.... next year sure u will get it .. thats for sure...a promise from me...
The fact of being in da same skool for almost 7 definitely dull boring... but????nvmind
lets go back to what happen 2day...this simple words will describe 2day better n clearer..
went skool late..7.15 am..late assembly preparation ...had assembly in dewan.. very hot n terrible... especially da kawalan 4 prefects...had briefing.. entered class damn late 9.45..just half an hour before recess.. was given maths Q.. attempt to do..damn blur..failed..just copied...went recesss damn was almost over..ate alot..vey cupcakes from DV. entered class.. chemistry was on.. better understanding this time. then followed by maths..realised that im dun understand much.. left out...then followed by bio... went out.. to c Mr Chew sensei.....4 indian went after one..its left to one now...da sole ranger who is da oni one survived....cant say rellly...but definitely survived.... went to kishel car to take back my fon.. entered class 5 min b4 end.. after that had briefing wif noon prefects..pretty it was raining.. went back 2 resh class..met tashvin a.k.a matthew.. n benjamin.. talked wif them,,then went back home wif resh..singgah kat cs.. saw an ex-ec @ F6 student..her advice to me...ITS NOT TO LATE>>JUST RUN AWAY FROM F6...yup tat marks the end of another miserable day of my skool life... it seems...i made a vow ... had da anxiety,wisdom n courage to give da best for my education..started in january but till today... 6/4/09 9.19pm everthing seem to b da changes..if yes oso.. temporary one... now i relly ask myself ... can i get what i promised my answer is definitely NO...sad... everyday seem to b one sickening experience.. yup im ready to give da best.. as da best is yet to come.. but is definitely comin sooon... i will fulfill my promise...what am i doin now??? blogging when majority of f6 students now will b bleadding to test this thursday... im freakin out nowdays.. especially my bout >>???... i dun know why its now..that i come across with her many times.. its face to face summore.. last time wanted oppurtinity... but..haiz.. didnt get ...other way around pulak.. but nowdays i relly dun signal her at all.. no look, no talk or even a smile ...goood 4 me.. time is running...its so fast..n its already april befor i blink my eye it might already b november... haiz....only disappointment... sad sial......... its ....
lets go back to what happen 2day...this simple words will describe 2day better n clearer..
went skool late..7.15 am..late assembly preparation ...had assembly in dewan.. very hot n terrible... especially da kawalan 4 prefects...had briefing.. entered class damn late 9.45..just half an hour before recess.. was given maths Q.. attempt to do..damn blur..failed..just copied...went recesss damn was almost over..ate alot..vey cupcakes from DV. entered class.. chemistry was on.. better understanding this time. then followed by maths..realised that im dun understand much.. left out...then followed by bio... went out.. to c Mr Chew sensei.....4 indian went after one..its left to one now...da sole ranger who is da oni one survived....cant say rellly...but definitely survived.... went to kishel car to take back my fon.. entered class 5 min b4 end.. after that had briefing wif noon prefects..pretty it was raining.. went back 2 resh class..met tashvin a.k.a matthew.. n benjamin.. talked wif them,,then went back home wif resh..singgah kat cs.. saw an ex-ec @ F6 student..her advice to me...ITS NOT TO LATE>>JUST RUN AWAY FROM F6...yup tat marks the end of another miserable day of my skool life... it seems...i made a vow ... had da anxiety,wisdom n courage to give da best for my education..started in january but till today... 6/4/09 9.19pm everthing seem to b da changes..if yes oso.. temporary one... now i relly ask myself ... can i get what i promised my answer is definitely NO...sad... everyday seem to b one sickening experience.. yup im ready to give da best.. as da best is yet to come.. but is definitely comin sooon... i will fulfill my promise...what am i doin now??? blogging when majority of f6 students now will b bleadding to test this thursday... im freakin out nowdays.. especially my bout >>???... i dun know why its now..that i come across with her many times.. its face to face summore.. last time wanted oppurtinity... but..haiz.. didnt get ...other way around pulak.. but nowdays i relly dun signal her at all.. no look, no talk or even a smile ...goood 4 me.. time is running...its so fast..n its already april befor i blink my eye it might already b november... haiz....only disappointment... sad sial......... its ....
Thursday, April 2, 2009
what's happning.... i oso don't know
im not leavin skool.... tats da truth... many belived da prank i made 4 April Fool's day...that im goin 2 AIMSt..i even got gifts n all.... sori people... march swept pass just like a whirlwind.. freakin fast... now its april... things not goin that rite for me... dunt know why... spending hours opening revision book... n eyes on it..but mind...lost somewhere point lah that means... feelings 2 disturbed.. getting angry easily...., feeling stressed out.. dont know what else 2 say... test n mid year examination comin sooon... mad a bad move on April Fool's day....slacked gettin too carried away.. sumtimes i think im so gifted to b in f6....but most of da time i think i slacked my life entering f6...haiz...a single A change my whole path..... but whats in my mind now... i thank God 4 givig me this great oppurtinity to prove myself to .... thank u God..4 F6...this is da greatest.....oppurtunity u gave me ...n i will dfinitely give all i got... hope 4 da best...n its definitely goin to b da best.....single handedly...people will say whats in the inside which is much important than the outside...n this n that play no important role ......oni MPWF is important...but what is da truth that i can say...this is all just bullshit...its all the other way round... a quote thats playing in my mind now.... 4 sure its:
LiFe SuCkS
lOvE fUcKs!!!!!!!!!!
LiFe SuCkS
lOvE fUcKs!!!!!!!!!!
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