Saturday, September 26, 2009
time to revive.....
gosh now i realise.... 9 months i have wasted playing n indulging myself in unimportant things..especially sumting that i shall have not poke myself into..being confident at one side n doing nothig at the other side..i paid da hefty price..i lost for da first time in my life... im still shell shocked...i have lived a life full of selfishness...... neglecting others hope put on me..n paying importance to things which just kept hurting me... day n nite im crying in myself..sumtimes question arises why i entered form six... but i really have to admit being in form 6 rocks to dA top most...exception to the lifestyle in here which is so hectic...being in da same skool for seven years..must b boring... but i love my skool da very much..BUT I JUST HATE DA PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN IT....this is da place where i learnt what is life... ample of times learning new things.this is da place where i spent ample of time besides home... growing from inmature boy to a teenager n almost touching adulthood... love every bit moment of my life especially da first five years..continuing my life in f 6 is a big challenge...despite living in an environment full of racist people... people who r super selfish, people who just lie...peole who just ignore, people who just r desperate...people who just sweet talk..this n the list goes on.... gosh... i really must thank God for making my path i have learnt alot especially in these alst two year..reckoning the world out there is goin to b much more challenging then whats happening now..thats life..its in my hand to mould it n into a perfect im goin top give all i got..i must prove my worth to da world all those loved ones of mine..who have put in high hopes on me...dun worry eyes are open fianally n ......its a promise... i will never dissappoint u./.....i believe impossible is nothing.... the next few days is goin to b challenging ..its not goint o b easy eitheir... but im not goin to give up eitheir...blood n sweat should b shed...dun care who says what,....i will prove myself .....i will shut those mouths...n to sum people...who missed me in ur life...time will come wen u will realise that u failed to attain sumting precious in life n thats me..... dun worry people..keep praying for back ...its time for revival..renaissance.... back to those firing days..where nothing is go to stop,.... i know what i wannt n no one can stop me from getting wat i want.... if by any chance if eminem comes across my blog..hope he doesnt make my scripts into lyrics for his latest album.. hahah...i dun wanna cry any more n dun wanna lose anymore..... never mine to b hurt i beleive this is da eage to get hurt...every thing that hurts making me much stronger... for da one who failed to get..i just simply remember this....when u miss a bus,..,.definitely another bus will come.... so just got to wait for it.....yeah......time to burn everthing...time to prove.....4.00
Thursday, September 24, 2009
a bad day after all........

its a normal supertitious belief...that wearing black brings bad luck.... well i dun beleive in this...but mum used to tell me is not lucky... for me... n i shall never wear black shirt...but today ingnoring her advice..i did wear black... today was a thursday n i suppose to have bio tuition at era dinamik.. dad was goin sumwhere urgent ..n he wanted to send me early.. ard 2.30 pm... tuition starts at 4.00 pm....i was there by 2.45pm..wen i reach there...da centre was closed...thats weird... i waited n..... n waited till 4 pm..wen suddenly mr kamlesh came from no where..he was shocked to c me there..he said there was no classes 2day...that was super shocking to me...i know i have to alert m resh as he 2 doesnt know... my fon was not with me eitheir... kept at took a bus which i never took b4..i put in 1.60 n da driver exclaimed..its not goin to town..damn bloody am i goin to take back da money...luckily another guy entered, i got rm 1 back..unfortunately, rm 0.60 burn..damn..wen to cs..wen i reached there called dad n told him i had no tuiton today..he said he could pick me but how am i goin to b alert wen my fon is not here... damn it..i said to him i will come back myself...then i walked ard changed money by buying cool blog... walked a while,.was looking ard...hmm..things struck my heart ..cing people.. everone wif their companion...but wait..nvmind..not now...sobz..wanted to eat crispy chicken was crowded plan canceled...took bus..i put in rm 1.70 but da ticket was rm 1.20,.n its stated in the ticket tis till IPK. depoh......haha who cares///really hoped the ticket inspector does not come.. the bus da bus stop near pelangi..sumting really unexpected happen ... yeah guess wat??? a ticket inspector got in da bus..damn..i was so hear pounded...according to the place stated in da ticket..i supppose to have got down way before..wen da inspector came to my place..i just gave da ticket..i was ready prepared for a fight..i paid da correct amount n da driver is da one who slacked..da inspector took da ticket.. he chooped it. checked.....loooked at it closely n gave it back to me...wait..noting happen.,...that guy must b a real mangkuk ...he was not even bothered by da ticket..from this v can conclude... these people are pretty ignorant ..i dont know how he could be hired by da company...a great phew for me..reached home..n as usual kena nag..for this n that... nvmind its normal...... man thats da consequnces of not bringign fon...rather than bad luck from wearing black.............thats written..adios
i tink i wasted some money today for not bringing my fon
bus rm 3.90
cool blog rm 2.40
public phone rm 0.40
bread rm rm1.80
total rm 8.50
i dont care much of bucks spent..but.... thats a waste....
Monday, September 21, 2009
i remember last year ard tis time...i went to an open house...this year he is not here... in egypt... got no invitation too.... so no rumah terbukalah....i dont have da real mood to blog now.... just simply ni... i have made records with longest post n this time its da shortest post ever...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
wake me up wen september ends
apple taste
its a toss for sucess
outside cabanna,....the zone
pravind, bryant, me
bacardi missing in action
it has a while since i blogged... things were goin up n down lately....sad moments plus hapi moments.......its all a mix up...firstly during da august holidays...had a hell of fun...was one of da best holidays of my life.... did little study oni..but alot of play..yahoooo...goin to dielah.... trial over ...did extremely bad.... dunno wat to say ...of all my trial i had written b4....i usually get some marks which shows confidence..but not playing 2much... n wasted my life on one ting which is no more for me now...wen i tink bout it..its just full of emoness... nvmind..i belive wat i did wa rite..i confessed finally.... eventhough it was text oni.... i did have da guts... now i realised why people say expect the unexpected..its true..damn true...sweet n sour is part of life..but i thank God its over...eventhough its very late...i guess its better than never rite...still got time.,....sumtimes even its over its still hearbreaking to c sum things...but i got to face it like a man...its have to go on..after all its goit to b difficult finding sumone special in this world especially out of da 99.9 % bitches ard.... if its not meant...its never..... today was a bit of an upsetting day...trials over..had briefing ...then enterd class.saw my marks...failed maths 2.... damn i dunnolah wats happening to am i goin to prove myself with sucha a bad attitude,,,n not studying...damn im goin to die wei...but wait... i can do it.... disappointment sorrounds me 2day... im disappointed wif many people... people who show off, people who tink they r great n have high vocabulary proefficiency, n peole who just dun understand n tink what they do is rite n of course people who desperate to get drunk...i guess its juststupid to get drunk... this is based on experience.... i know whats da consequnces n all...sum may just think its sum experience to do this...but wait ..wat if it causes bad effects to u...stop being an idiot... does alcohol solves problem...its just a burn of da form of is to da fullest for da best outcome..sum may say v just try for once..but look... why dun u say lets try death for once... tink ..b practical... dun tell me u will never drink anymore after that single sip u say u wanted to taste on...thats bullshit people...thats one case... sumtimes wen i sit in my class.. i can hear students walking n singing at da saame time... these people r real ding dongs...if u really wanna sing go ahead ..not in skool ..u have many competition such as one in a million, malaysian idol, mentor, akademi fantasia, jb idol, project superstar n etc..why da fuck u must sing aloud....after all u voices sucks da most...super terrible...moreover its really disrespecting da teachers too especially wen they r teaching...if ur so desperate...go to sum karaokae ...i believe they wont mind u all for spoiling da microfon for such a terribel voice.... or if just want to sing in an open place..go on....u just need a handkerchief...laid down on da floor... n start singing..i believe for that terrible platform perfomance... u might get a penny to buy sum sweets.. next case...sum bastard just think they r great..achieving this n that.... i dun give a fucking damn bout all this... ur just stucked up...egoistic n believe ur rite..n love to correct people...wait how long can u go on like this.... i have my patience level man...wen it exceeds the point... i goin to brake ur fucked up face ... ...haiz..i paid da price for carrying u up those days...nvmind... wen it comes to cocuricullar activities..i mean especially in form 6...most of da clubs n uniform bodies just dun do wat they r supposed to do...interact wif one another, learn sumting new n etc..wat they know to do is...just having farewell parties... and from that they give out post...based on farewell parites..come on..
da goverment have implemented that 10 % of entry marks is based on koko marks...but wats happpening...i tink they should change this concept... setting it up as 10% entry marks to uni based on da ability who can organise a farewell party...wat r da uniform body clubs r doin...da same tinglah...indulging themselve wif farewell..where is da ethics u should implement...u all should have marching , n for medical associated will b good to have first aid lessons n all...... people need to rejuvenate.... migrants coming far way n acting as though u have been here long ago....sum get angry for small things that happen around in skool ,,,,padahal u all r just selfish inlcined bastards......u dun even love da skool.... i tink thats all for now..i can go on kutuking people.. but being a human i have my weakness before i sign her...have a great life... all da best.....;... u will know one day....... gudbye...sayo nara adios
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