its a normal supertitious belief...that wearing black brings bad luck.... well i dun beleive in this...but mum used to tell me ..black is not lucky... for me... n i shall never wear black shirt...but today ingnoring her advice..i did wear black... today was a thursday n i suppose to have bio tuition at era dinamik.. dad was goin sumwhere urgent ..n he wanted to send me early.. ard 2.30 pm... tuition starts at 4.00 pm....i was there by 2.45pm..wen i reach there...da centre was closed...thats weird... i waited n..... n waited till 4 pm..wen suddenly mr kamlesh came from no where..he was shocked to c me there..he said there was no classes 2day...that was super shocking to me...i know i have to alert m resh as he 2 doesnt know... my fon was not with me eitheir... kept at home..so took a bus which i never took b4..i put in 1.60 n da driver exclaimed..its not goin to town..damn bloody hell..how am i goin to take back da money...luckily another guy entered, i got rm 1 back..unfortunately, rm 0.60 burn..damn..wen to cs..wen i reached there called dad n told him i had no tuiton today..he said he could pick me but how am i goin to b alert wen my fon is not here... damn it..i said to him i will come back myself...then i walked ard changed money by buying cool blog... walked a while,.was looking ard...hmm..things struck my heart ..cing people.. everone wif their companion...but wait..nvmind..not now...sobz..wanted to eat crispy chicken XXL...it was crowded there..so plan canceled...took bus..i put in rm 1.70 but da ticket was rm 1.20,.n its stated in the ticket tis till IPK. depoh......haha who cares///really hoped the ticket inspector does not come.. the bus left..at da bus stop near pelangi..sumting really unexpected happen ... yeah guess wat??? a ticket inspector got in da bus..damn..i was so shocked....my hear pounded...according to the place stated in da ticket..i supppose to have got down way before..wen da inspector came to my place..i just gave da ticket..i was ready ..im prepared for a fight..i paid da correct amount n da driver is da one who slacked..da inspector took da ticket.. he chooped it. checked.....loooked at it closely n gave it back to me...wait..noting happen.,...that guy must b a real mangkuk ...he was not even bothered by da ticket..from this v can conclude... these people are pretty ignorant ..i dont know how he could be hired by da company...a great phew for me..reached home..n as usual kena nag..for this n that... nvmind its normal...... man thats da consequnces of not bringign fon...rather than bad luck from wearing black.............thats written..adios
i tink i wasted some money today for not bringing my fon
bus rm 3.90
cool blog rm 2.40
public phone rm 0.40
bread rm rm1.80
total rm 8.50
i dont care much of bucks spent..but.... thats a waste....
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