gosh... its over man...officialy its over...my reign as timbalan kapten maktab sultan abu bakar.... i still remember a year ago on da 23 september 2008..was elected as timbalan kapten.. n its over a year edi... i learnt alot all this while... i loved every single bit of moment of it.... in sum part of my heart i do feel sad..as i loved da job n really worked hard for it..but all good things must come to an end..many shocking news was received today..sum who dun deserve post got it..while sum who really deserve didnt get it at al...what to do...we propose ...n teacher oppose..... there it goes for da last time.... TIMBALAN KAPTEN RAJKUMAR A/L CHELLADURAI>>>..tommorow my reign as pengerusi for tamil society will come to another end..i guess its time to let da rookies to take over while us ...goin after stronger challenges in da stanza of the world to come...