Saturday, October 17, 2009

festival of lights...

yup....its ang pau....
hampers received this year.......


various tyrpes of murukku

assorted cookies........

chocolate murukku..
History: made accidentley wen all the cookies were packed
together wif it... due to excessive heat nowdays..
cause of global warming.. the chocolate cookies melted
and spread over da murukku....thus chocolate murukku
was made....
pics at random .........

One malaysia.... one banana leaf

majlis khas pengawas.....guy who made history

and finally da narrator.... i rarely take a pic of myself...


moon light, sunlight, tube light ..etc....hehaheha...not that lite.... its Deepavali... this year its just goin to b some moderate one..provided that its almost here...counting on its 32 days left..average of 8 days per subject..if u ask me am i ready for it...for sure not yet... hahah... i feel life is much better nowdays... no more taughts n no more emoness... but still have though...many things happend recently wif majlis khas pengawas. got da award for da most popular prefect... n tamil society agm where it was a laughter..cause for da first time in history in a TLLS agm no post was given... will give it during farewell...prefects agm comin my personal opinion one is outstanding or showing any traits of the future captain.,..gosh ..may lord have mercy on them...recently the One Malaysia concept is being used frequently..but sum dind dongs just dont know wat's the meaning but just love to say it.... shame on u.,,, will blog some time later.... sayo nara adios...n to all Malaysian's HAPPY DEEPAVALI..

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