its R..............R for Rajkumar

Its A........A for Alagarajan

Its J...J for????........haha..nothing. Thanks you jun this one
was supposed to b Jpj but as usual takut ibu!!!!!!1

and together ..........................RAJ

and again ............RAJ

you jun .....not levis ah.....haha
today is friday..haha...like people dont know oni i tellin...went to skool da earliest of all for this week ..hehehe...around 7.20 i mean 7.20 sharp...masuk skool oni kena tegur wif smilling DB ...siapa lagi kalau bukan kishel....was wondering n dreaming till JPJ came...did a bit tugas halau all form 5 n upper six pelajar to dewan...wat summore..i will describe today as...talk..talk...n talk untill we bleed n die..full of laughter...was having group discussion wif gupreet,jpj,karthik,kumaresh,you jun,alagarajan,..talked all sort of things..come on leader of future...mari kita berjuang....was playing da fool around skool da whole day...disturbing,making noise n all sort of thing non stop...kena marah wif Pak Mat n haslin...hahaha..gooodlah...managed to put inai for my hand just da initial..oni...after skool went to cs wif all except jpj ...naik choco's car..haha you jun kena halau tak cukup tempat..bought a new baju for deepavali..haha mum said it looked like some ladies shirt..resh pulak said it looked liked pyjamas..played daytona..was leading again untill some slack and fell to number 5 plak..again n again...played for the second time..this time yeah i got it man
first....yahooo.my new skill worked gear 4 to 3 to 2 n back to 3 haha...attempt da punching thing..improve lah this time 68tt .after tat went back skool again got pengawas meeeting..wow was greeted warmly like everyone was waiting for me..hahaha..it seems alagarajan n sean thum were tied equal..so decision on hold..after that went to cs again..wif you jun then ..met pravind..n...rajiv n resh..lepak for a while...makan for a while..went to parkson..fond memories came back..hell of a life wei..met Ina..my supervisor..after send rajiv go saloon..pravind send me back home..had a heart to heart talk..he insisted me of finding a chick..haha..thanks cha.....how i wished pravind was a female..hahahahahahha..feeling dam depressed..damn sad...daamn emo..damn lazy n damn crazy..why????..no one knows what i am feeling now except me myself n GOD...n i can't tell everyone wats happening except u GOD..n not to forget..hmmm
MR blog but i will like thank God...thank u GOd..thank U ..without u i might have not meet this people in my life, which changed me..kept me strong...motivated me..n sometimes which has irritate me....brought life to me...place where i can share my feeling....these people are no either than
FRIENDS.............i love all of you.........
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