H1n1 has caused da country in uproar.... malaysia is one of da countries with da highest rate of cases recorded daily..not forgetting da casualties 38....updated.till da time im blogging now..being in johor where highest cases of H1N1 is being recorded daily.this virus has statred spreading... n has not missed EC... 2 guys in f3 kena ...can b seen a clear situation in skool... teachers n students wearing mask... using sanitizers n some even takin vitamins to boost their immune system..why they are doing all this??? yeah they r doing this to keep themselves from being inflicted wif da disease.. n simply said... scared of death...... so papers n statistics says..about 20-30% of Malaysian will kena......all i can do is pray...
for da past one month.... my head was just like cracking... i guess it cracked too... headache everyday...tiring.. but it was such a relieve wen it was over...phew... i was doing so much work..it was like a one man show... running here n there..ample of times goin to da office to c pengetua..... was seriously down everyday... getting scolding..cing unsincere board members... n sum have to b forced to do da job.....had to get sponsors too... all i got was scolding...n ruthless comments saying im a useless leader n all.. i dun care...finally it was over ...had a few problems tat particular day...especially da explore race... two winner were declared at two different place...had to manage it.... sumtimes i do regret... making sum decisions ..i had to take risk n all.. but finally... erhemm'...people just cant understand ... attendance was pretty poor... about 100 i guess...was expecting 500.....laughter man......and after all was over...... yup a cup of teh tarik to put da finishing touches to it..... every sip brings a meaning... tats true ,its damn damn true....
a week after my event...it was time for my best buds event...... IUDAY... at spastic hall... i entered...err....heheh..censored....hahah...pravind was in jb 2... tat particular day had to rush there... had to sent mum to pelangi .... event was pretty good...but da food was very bad..it was resh's day(da sole reason why i went)..v cheered him throughout his speech..later on sumone missed for sumtime came..it was no ohter than Pyan.... love that guy...watched da performance and all..had sum quality time chatting wif pravind... dinesh didnt talk well tat day... dunno why..... i got award for da best dressed male...hahah generally because of my buckle.SUPERMAN.. it was my first n last IU day as a student... great job resh...
yeah... that wat has been bothering most for da past few weeks..i taught of giving it a break... after so many slacking..wanted to start afresh..but.... i guess its almost over..just like standing on a cliff wif one foot...many thigs happen in JUly...so many hertbreaking moments... things seen causing me emo... just imagine da gurl who u taught is ur life, da gurl who u taught will b there for u forever, da gurl who symbolise hapiness, da gurl u loved..is just no more for u... just can imagine tat...cause all i could tink is shes mine... but things not goin smooth as expected... hearing rumuors n all... saying..this n that..i dun believe anybody except u... but..u seem to show interest there too...i was relly down ... never that down in my 19 years of life... just cant do any work.. to make things worst ..manny things happend few days before senthamil puthir...especially wat happend wednesday... studies deteriorating... kept tinking..every single second of my life..im tinking of u..even now 9.85 pm 13/8/09..i dunno u no or not...but.... dunno wat to say... ur taughts deeply embended in my heart..sumtimes da question ...how i wished i was earlier...keeps playing..whatever it takes...hope u b hapi always..n to that guy...hope he keeps u well.....but whatever happens..u taughts n feeling will never b erased from my memory..every second i spent wif u ....migh have been irritating for u...but for me...every single moments is so memorable... many people ask whose tat gurl who caught ur eye... nevermind let it remain secret... i dunno u know what i m feeling r not...i dun wish to tell anyone this matter...as no one could help me..all of them buzy wif their love life...oni two souls understand me...no other than da twins......im still schocked.....i just cant bleieve it..i was going well rite..how come all of a sudden...things change so quickly..so down...tears dripping...i will never forget da adrenaline rush i had everytime i saw... n not to forget da first time v went out..all da slacking i did...n... is it game over..... some say its over, some say it has just started..n if u ask me...i say its complicated..i just relly dunno wats going on... im basically a coward....in this matter... whatever it takes...its goin to b over soon ... trial less than 3 week .. n im not even prepared...another screw up i guess..STPM 3 months time..dunno wat am i doin... there r many things i wanted to blog out..but dun seem to come out now..so thats all for now.... not to forget a band 3 for MUET..relly sick that time... LOVE SiCK....and a vodak last wednesday,..,all da best....
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