it sound weird....all my topics seem to be da same after all....hahaha..new change...damn wei...came to skool by taxi..(costly but save)..as recently few students got robbed in da morning while they were walking to skool..today krish kena..but he managed to escape...haiz..reached skool 6.45am.. oni farah was there..went to bilik pengawas ..met jagtish there...went ronda wif ameirul..went class celebrated chen's birthday...masa rehat ...my buddy came...abang kavij..i relly missed hi...but pretended like dont know..hehehe..after rehat did briefing...forced myself to sound all da pengawas..stuttered sial...did chem experiment..after skool kumpul wif frens..me kavij,karthik,gupreet,dinesh,resh,jpj,youjun...we took sometime to decide were to go...at last kavij said he putin Rm50 wow...first time sial...decided go KFC..we walk...holding hand like couple...all of us..went KFc..ordered a bucket...21 pieces..bought coke from kedai runcit...damn hapi sial.....then went to cs...lepak cuci mata...met chen alva..mei peng..seng ..wah...went to 7th floor..masuk da stock exhange room ..kena halau by da security..damn bengang sial.....later lepak there...vandalisme..hehehe...lepak at cs...more than.....then wanted to balik...suddenly i felt want to belanja....money come money goo....frens come n go but life come...n end..n never comes back...so dont mind spending for frens...but tat doesnt mean buy for all of them mudpie...oni sundae cone....abang sundae cone 8...ate..while walking..met kumaresh classmates..hahahah...disebalik semua kebaikan ada hikmahnya ...he introduce them to us......i did such a great move....when resh introduce me....i tunjuk rambut oni to them...haaha wat a bad start hope a great finishing busted up sial ...man........as for today...it was a great day...so long already never go ramai-ramai...outing....finally today,,,finally kavij belanja...haiz love my frens...today we gather...dont know where we will b in ten year time...which corner of this earth...dont know how we would look like...wif family...job...car...n etc ..time runs...n never gets a pit stop....but sure this memories will always b there ......decorating life..........da friendship remains no matter what...life is short...decorate it wif life..hehehe...man....still more to come....setbacks...betrayal....death..love...n many more just wait...it decided..its how we r to live....bring out da best....no mattter what...we are all special......unique ..upset just now...recently a temple in selangor got demolished...whylah all this...stupid fellows lah..!ten years time wen i walk around streets of jb..i will tink my..my..my..i hold myn frens hand n walked here,,,,go level 7 c da stones...dont know cs still there or not....sobs........signing off now..ape lagi...wat somemore....F.R.A.N.C.E
so emo ah RAJ?? chill... last 15lines all so emo.. ur thinking too much.. we will take one step at a time.. life isnt a bed of roses.. proud to be ur friend.. i dun wanna get all emo now but u should know urself.. damn! haha.. anyway, studies and lets not get distracted..(look whos taking?!) ur right though..many more in life to come.. betrayal..death.. and so mcuh more worse..gota be strong mentally.. we will be.. we will be.. all of us will be successful
Hehe relax bro..pic comin up...Eugene kena halau from the stocks exchange room..
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