
hahaha....good day man donnating blood....many wanted to donate but.....hmmm tak cukup haemoglobin...mine da highest among all....15.....
alalaala...proud means not hidung tinggi lah.....i did something good 2day...donated blood....n voulentered to sign da donate organs ikrar 2..hmm.hapi sial...morning waited anxiously at mini auditorioum...first our blood is checked ....to c got enough haemoglobin...11people turn up..bad after the first test....oni 7 managed...pity da gurls..all kena eliminated...some less haemoglobin..some underweight....anyway gurls u made mama proud.checked my haemoglobin ,,,,,,mine was dA highest among all....15.4.heheheeheso boys oni left...went to hospital by da HSA van.....checkedee...jpj oso followed even he did not want to donate blood.......moral support kononya...actually want to ponteng...Pa n maths class...reached hospital...gotinto da donating blood department...i voulentered 2 b da first one..hmm...they gave me a seat... asked me hold something ...wood i guess...i was first injected with an injection....then wif the needle which da blood will flow into...gosh abit sakit...i was poked few times...as my veins could not b found...hahaha....fats i guess...jpj was there...wif the phone as a so called cameraman..hehehehe..then followed by edmund dinash..and the naten....n da chinese fellow...i saw him...who ah?my rival ...good he oso want to donate blood...after blood donating...we were appoached by da nurse...she talked bout organ donation...since along time i relly wanted to donate organ...i signed da ikrar n got my card......jpj n dinash did da same thing...proud of u guys...look at jpj..tak donate blood tapi...donate ......organ...u made jessica biel ..met a malay doctor.....wanted to ask him some career advice....ha he looks damn poyoh anyway proud....hahahaha.......went back to skool...kind of lepak...wanted to go tandas..wen she came in our view...ha...shes wif her friend again...i dont know whylah.....always got fren go anywhere......dont u understand...mr rajkumar want to approach u la....sometimes i feell...tat....i tink of her always...anyway does she know,tat ?...she dont even know my name oso i
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