wat day 2day....very nice...(borat)..ok wuz very stress 2day cause mr chew wanted to have test..i dahlah tak belajar..then got read osop wrong cahpter...mampus..during test time was watching classmates doin like helll..n me nothing wakakaka...looking round nm tinking for nothing....very proud of eugene..for da first time tugas first then oni...makan...captain told me...the pengawas interview wif pengetua cancel...they alreafy choose da captain it seems...nah...i dont care ii m da underdog anyway......after skool got tamil club meeting..went on well..happy dude...wah...then went analakshmi wif resh,eugene,khesha,shoban,shalini,tiva, n priya..good...came back home slept...got up suddenly wen heard parents arguing about jpa scholarship..pity them ...they worry much compared to me..nah...wat else goverment...biasialah....was so sown n suddenly mom asked me to oder pizza..apalagi caallll lah...i bought a variety box..which consist of 4 personal pizza n 4 shicken wing ate like hell..kenyangnya especilally da stuff crust ..yummy...ok..tats all..got to do some last minute revision...signing off
(ps..da reciept of odering pizza..my name mentioned as MR raj lol)
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