my restaurant?
ya...ya .....ya rite...same...same thing ...everyday da same starting.....morning pengawas tugas...bla..bla....everyday Ms SCT usually greats me...but nowdays no lah....nah ..mayb she is busy..but shes damn open minded....was nervous..as i was scared meeting her..wif my new plan to approach...we will wait n c.....atleast b4 dying...who knows 40-60 years time..too much ah...want to live long.....life hater after all.......saw a dead rat on da way to tandas....morning was boring as usual.....wif bio and PA...discuss wif dinash bout majlis perpisahan....he's good wei ...full of ideas..soon goin 2 miss him...as he is goin to leave skool...bye..bye..back to story..recess...ate nothing but oni twigges...came to class...someone wrote on a cardboard"restoran raj" and placed at the TABLE BEHINDE ME WHERE IM sitting..huge....who could it b? nothin much..jpj damn semangat want to study...goodlah..finally..me as usual...dont know what am i doin....after skool went wif kumaresh chen n navin napo to BSN...met shoban there had a few quality time of chat...i like tat guy...spent more time in cs wif kumaresh n navin napo..came back home..n straight away writing on u...hehehehe...cool ah..so addicted to blog nowdays....feeling a bit "rindu" how many more skool days left lah...want or dont want..im in f6..nomore after this comin back to skool......as everyone knows tat skoool life is da best life...it comes onli once..wow...never ever will forget till my last breath on earth...yesterday...parctice my shiffle steps..cant raise my leg high up...dont know why?Oni know how to do two steps ..still some of my frens consider me a shuffler..wakakaka...next not much of her glimpse...i now know whos my rival...dont seem to care..if tis meant..its meant..hmmm,,,feeling better nowdays,,...not much of her taughts..thanks to resh.....i really love this guy wei...my bro...fren..buddy..ah wat else word got to describe him..his simply da best....tink will have a 30 winks now..or else night will be sleepy...bubye
1 comment:
Peh.. mentah mentah i read ur blog everyday u will take chance to puji me la.. haha.. thanks bro, ur aweosme too.. dei, if u leave school, i also wanna leave da.. the only person i can consider a real friend is you.. no one else knows me like u in school.. huhu.. who is Ms sct now?? suddenly i think we go through the same stuff...
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